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With 'purse' shaped bowl. L.: 14.3cm. Wt.: 34.3g.
Small silver cup, with a handle and decorated with geometric plant motifs in relief. D.: 6.9cm. H.: 4.7cm. Wt.: 128.2g.
Casserole (trulla), of hemispheric shape. The handle is decorated with geometric plant motifs. It bears, under handle, the inscription incised in dotted line: C(ai) DIDI SECVNDI MIL(ilitis) LEG(ionis) II AVG(ustae) 7 (=centuriae) MARI (CIL XII, 2355; cf E. Ritterling, RE 12, 2, col. 1464). D.: 10.7cm. Wt.: 187.5g.
With 'purse' shaped bowl. L.: 11.4 cm. Wt.: 12.8 g.
With 'purse' shaped bowl and handle terminating in a small button. L.: 16.2 cm. Wt.: 31.4 g.
With 'purse' shaped bowl but with broken handle. L.: 16.3 cm. Wt.: 18 g.
Gold ring, set with an intaglio, a cornelian, engraved with Priapus. D.: 2.4 cm. Wt.: 9.6 g.
Gold ring, with engraved lines; nicolo setting, showing an animal with a raised bushy tail. D.: 3.1 cm. Wt.: 18.5 g.
Gold ring, with a green paste setting. D.: 3.6 cm. Wt.: 36.6 g.
Uploaded by Cristian Gazdac (Feb. 2017).