Prof Chris Howgego, Director
I am Research Keeper in the Heberden Coin Room in the Ashmolean Museum and Professor of Greek and Roman Numismatics at the University of Oxford. I am the author of Ancient History from Coins, which is currently available in 6 languages, and have written widely on Roman coinage and history. I am a director of Roman Provincial Coinage Online and an editor of Roman Imperial Coinage and Roman Provincial Coinage. I was lead curator for the new Money Gallery for the Ashmolean Museum and supervised the creation of numismatic displays for 25 other galleries.
Prof Andrew Wilson, Director
I am Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire in the School of Archaeology. My research interests include the economy of the Roman Empire; ancient technology; ancient water supply and usage; Roman architecture; Roman North Africa, and field survey. I am particularly interested in the ancient use of water-power, machines and mining techniques, and the relationship between technological progress and economic growth in the Roman world. With Professor Alan Bowman, I co-direct the Oxford Roman Economy Project (OXREP), which aims to collate and analyse both archaeological and documentary evidence to provide fresh quantitative and qualitative insights into the nature, scale and performance of the Roman economy. Much of the project research, and also related work by others, is or will be published in the monograph series Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy with Oxford University Press.
Dr habil Cristian Gazdac, Consultant

As Assoc.Prof.Habil at the University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Faculty of History and Philosophy, I teach classes on the Roman Economy and Numismatics and the Analysis of Military Conflicts in Antiquity. Since 2014, I supervise PhD theses at the Doctoral School of Security Studies within the same university. I undertook my doctoral thesis at the University of Oxford on coin circulation in Roman and post-Roman Dacia and the adjacent provinces from the Middle and Lower Danube. The main direction of my research has been to establish the monetary policies in these regions at critical moments in the history of the Roman Empire. To this end, I created the monograph series Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania (13 volumes). In connection with my research activity on coin finds at Carnuntum (Austria) I have also published a series of studies on hoards, coin finds in archaeological context, coin moulds for cast coins, etc. These studies resulted in the numismatic monograph of Carnuntum (2013), the monograph of the gold coins in Carnuntum (2014) and the hoard ‘007’ from Carnuntum (2016).
Dr Marguerite Spoerri Butcher, Research Fellow
I first joined the project in October 2016, working on the Quantification of the Roman Imperial Coinage (John Fell Fund). Beside research on the quantification of the coinage of Nerva and Trajan, one of my main outputs was to clean the large hoard of Reka Devnia. I am now continuing to work on the hoards from Switzerland in collaboration with the SICF, as well as on a series of silver hoards from various countries.
I have co-organised the Crossing Frontiers: The Evidence of Roman Coin Hoards conference in April 2022 and have contributed a paper on 'Crossing Frontiers in the East: Hoarding of Roman Coinages from Pontus to Mesopotamia' for the forthcoming publication of that conference.
Over the last few years, I have lead a number of IT developments for our web app, including the development of visualisations and developed strong competences in digital numismatics.
My research interests cover a wide range of subjects, pertaining to Greek and Roman coinage. I am scientific member of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece, working on the coin finds from Eretria and Amarynthos (Euboea). I am also a Research Fellow of the RPC project and have become one of the directors in RPC online in 2024. I am interested in the coinage of Juba II of Mauretania (25 BC – AD 24). My PhD, dedicated to the coinage issued in the province of Asia during the reign of Gordian III (238-244), was published in 2006 as volume VII.1 of the Roman Provincial Coinage series. Together with Jerome Mairat and with the collaboration of M. Amandry, R. Bland, K. Butcher, J. Nurpetlian, and U. Peter, I have co-authored volume VII.2 of the same series, From Gordian I to Gordian III (AD 238–244): all provinces except Asia published in 2022. Work on volume VIII (244-249) is also underway.
Former team member: Dr Simon Glenn
Simon joined the project in January 2017 to edit and validate hoards entered into the web app as well as supporting the project's network of collaborators. He assisted Jerome Mairat with the publication of the Coin Hoarding in the Roman Empire conference as well as entering published hoards from Pompeii. Simon also imported external datasets for hoards and single gold find in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France.
Former team member: Dr Jerome Mairat
Dr Jerome Mairat left the project in January 2016 in order to concentrate on other major research projects, including Roman Provincial Coinage Online, as a Director, and on the digitization of the coin collection of the Ashmolean Museum, as eCurator. He created the project's database and led the creation of the project's web application. He also imported the data of several thousand hoards from numerous sources. He remains editor of the proceedings of the conference 'Coin Hoarding in the Roman Empire' (15–16 September 2016) to be published in the series Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy.
He is curator in the Heberden Coin Room at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. His research focuses on the Roman coinage of the third century AD, imperial and provincial. He is a joint author of Roman Imperial Coinage, volume V.2, AD 268–276 and of Roman Provincial Coinage, volume IX, AD 249–254 (London and Paris, 2016).
Former team member: Dr Philippa Walton
As Research Fellow until September 2016, Dr Philippa Walton was responsible for collating data for the project, managing collaborations and undertaking a range of research on Roman hoarding. Her research, which focuses on the material culture of the Roman world, encompasses many of the themes which the Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire Project aims to address. She is particularly interested in the function of Roman coinage both inside and outside the Empire, as well as the relationship between coinage, ritual and religion. Her PhD thesis, published as a Moneta monograph in 2012 (Rethinking Roman Britain: Coinage and Archaeology), concentrated on the potential of numismatic evidence provided by the Portable Antiquities Scheme as a resource for understanding the history and archaeology of Roman Britain.