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A hand-made cooking pot, with wheel-finished shoulder and rim, Gillam type 146, in typical Black Burnished Ware Category 1 (B.B.1). The obtuse-angled lattice decoration had been burnished onto a deliberately roughened background. It is a typical late third to fourth century product of potteries sited in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. Most of the damage occurred at the time of its discovery, but a complete rim and body circuit could be reconstructed. Significantly, the base was very thin and it could scarcely have survived any usage; it may have been sold as a 'second', for use other than a cooking pot. The jar was almost certainly new when it was deposited.
Roberston dataset, imported by J. Mairat. IARCH dataset, AHRC funded University of Leicester and British Museum project. Imported and edited by M. Spoerri (June 2019 / Nov. 2024). Updated by C. Gazdac (Feb. 2025).