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The bracelet is composed of two bars of gold, closely interwoven. One extremity is beaten flat, and perforated, so as to admit a small Fibula or Button, which is annexed to the other.
Plain gold, very broad, without any stone; thicker and flatter on the upper part, on which are engraved two heads, apparently of different sexes. It has no Inscription.
Gold, enclosing a dark blue Pebble, on which are engraved a large eagle, supporting two smaller ones on her back, disembowling a hare.
A plate of silver inscribed HONOR, set in a triangular frame of metal.
Roberston dataset, imported by J. Mairat. IARCH dataset, AHRC funded University of Leicester and British Museum project. Imported and edited by M. Spoerri (June 2019 / Nov. 2024).