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The ring presents two stones of different sizes on the two transverse parts. According to finders the big stone was onyx while the small one was either ruby, carnelian or red glass. There are two protomes of leopards' heads with red eyes. Today, all the stones are gone. The leopards' heads show dots of silver symbolizing leopard spots.. Beneath the place of the big stone there is a silver inscription: LEONTI/VIVAS. The ring shoulders' have a rectangular section while on the lower part the link was thin. The size of the link indicate a small finger. The leopards' protomes are directing designed to touch the flanking fingers, which make this ring uncomfortable to wear. Most likely, it was a seal-ring.
Gold bracelet, fragmentary
Gold spiral
Two gold spirals: 3.80; 3.74 g
Gold belt hinge?
Small gold belt hinge?
Six gold pieces of unknown functionality. 4,155 g; 3,45 g; 2,48 g; 2.67 g; 1.67 g; 1,68 g
Marco Werkmann (11.7.2016); updated by Cristian Gazdac (Nov. 2016).