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The pot is a small squat vessel, with everted rim and a well-marked neck; it measures 10 cm high, 10 cm rim diameter; about a third of the rim is missing. It is made of coarse dark grey clay, containing a good deal of pounded shell as 'backing'. The surface is black, except the neck which is grey in irregular patches, due probably to bad stacking in the kiln. The body of the pot has been lightly combed when still damp and on the wheel. The letter C has been incised and then pecked out on the shoulder.
Roberston dataset, imported by J. Mairat. IARCH dataset, AHRC funded University of Leicester and British Museum project. Imported and edited by M. Spoerri (June 2019 / Nov. 2024). Updated by C. Gazdac (Feb. 2025).