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The pot which contained the gold coins was a small jar of hard, fine red ware, 3¼ in. high and 2¾ in. wide, covered with a lighter red-brown slip. The interior surface was grooved. On the upper part of the pot was a graffito I/VTVXYII.
Contained the silver coins of the hoards and has been smashed by the cart wheels
Two gold rings. One of the gold rings was about ¾ in. in diameter, and was made of a thin strip of gold, ornamented with gold wire. The oval bezel was of paste, with an engraved design which is now too worn to identify. The other gold ring was also about ¾ in. in diameter, and was formed of a flat strip of gold, ornamented with beaded and plaited gold wire. The bezel was lost.
Roberston dataset, imported by J. Mairat. PAS Leicester - British Museum dataset, imported and edited by M. Spoerri (Spring 2019). Coin level data gold coins: G. Green (Oct. 2017). Updated by C. Gazdac (July 2024).