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Cast, raised, engraved Inv. no. 834/II length of base 19.6 cm; width of base 7.5 cm; length of lid 20.3 cm; width of lid 7.5 cm; height 3.7 cm; weight 323 gr. Clean by the finder with vinegar. However, some of the silver coins still show in the green patina the imprints of the jewelry, as sign that they were placed simultaneously in the casket. 'A long oval casket consisting of a recipient and lid. The upper surface of the lid and bottom of the casket are reinforced at the edges with grooved protrusions. The lid and the bottom are decorated with an engraved ornament consisting of vertical lines, connected by intersecting double diagonals. The same decoration, with single diagonal lines, appears again on the sides of the casket.
'Inv. no. 825/II Diameter of aperture 11.1 cm; Diameter of base 6.8 cm; Height 7.2 cm; Length of handle 8.3 cm; Width of handle 11.3 cm; Weight 300,4 gr. The silver patera is cone-shaped with slightly bulging sides. The base of the vessel on its lower side is engraved with three concentric circles and a dot in the centre. The smallest circle contains a shallow cursive inscription Fl. Marcel(l? )us which was probably the name of the owner. Lower down, on the side of the vessel, two parallel lines are engraved, and beneath the rim there is one. The horizontal handle extends from the vessel at the level of the rim so that both its sides where it is connected to the rim have irregularly shaped extensions. The tip of the handle spreads out fan-like and ends in the shape of a fish-tail. Along its rim is an engraved line whose ends in the corners of the handle are connected with a semi-circular engraved line. On the handle there is a gold inlaid inscription IVN . EXSV (lunona Exsvperantissima).'
Inv. no. 827/II 'Diameter of aperture 5 cm; base 1.2 cm: Height 5.9 cm; Weight 55,05 gr. The small rotund shaped cup (in the form of pot-ollula) has an annular stem, a short neck and uncovered rim. On the lower side of its foot are two engraved concentric circles with a dot in the middle. The vessel is widest at the point where the belly extends into the shoulder. On the shoulder are two parallel engraved lines between which an almond-like ornament has been stamped. The entire surface or the vessel. from the foot to the frieze, is decorated with an engraved ornament in the form of small leaves, arranged as fish scales. The goblet consists of two parts that were soldered together.
Inv. no. 826/II Diameter of aperture 5 cm; Diameter of base 3 cm; Height 6 cm; Weight 49,5 gr. The cup is identical in shape to the previous specimen (ollula). It is decorated in the same way, only beneath the very stem of the vessel, and above the frieze with almond-shaped ornaments, there is a pattern of vines with leaves and grapes placed opposite each other. The goblet is damaged; on the lower, protruding section, a large part of the wall of vessel is missing.
Brooch, of anchor type. Inv. no. 832/II 'An anchor-like fibula with a rectangular plate (support bar) on the upper part, which widens slightly towards the ends. On the upper side of the plate, on each side of the arc, two slanting parallel lines are engraved. Beneath the plate are spiral coils of thick wire, twisted round the ligament from where the wire starts, which is partly preserved. The arc of the fibula which has the shape of an anchor in the front part, rests on the upper part of the support bar. This section ends in a semi-circle, and on the rim and the widest part there is a profiled decoration indicated by engraving (pseudo-twisted ornament). Al the beginning of the lower part of the arc, there are two semi-circular extensions, and it gradually tapers of towards the foot. The fibula ends in a button-like protrusion. The pin holder is triangular in shape. On the ligament around which the thick wire is twisted is a small ring.
Brooch, of anchor type. Inv. no. 833/II 'This anchor-like fibula is identical to the previous specimen. One part of the spirally twisted wire and pin arc missing.'
Inv. no. 831/II 'The chain is plaited of four threads of silver wire. At each end there is a tubulus of sheet silver, decorated at the ends with engraved parallel lines. The middle of the tubuli are ornaments in the form of meanders in the technique of filigree and granulation. On one of the tubuli is a large preserved gold ring.
Inv. no. 830/II 'The necklace consists of a chain plaited of four threads of silver wire and 29 large garlic-shaped pearls, each with six protrusions resembling its segments. Between each segment of the pearl is a thread of silver wire. Through each pearl runs a wire in the shape of an eight and the next pearl is connected on each link fashioned in this way. There is a small spool around the opening to the links of the end pearls on either side of the necklace. One part of the clasp is connected to the link and the other to a hook fashioned in the shaped of a swan's head. both parts of the clasp are symmetrical and decorated; they consist of three droplets of black glass paste within a stylized and engraved rim, as well as six granules. There is a hood ornamented with filigree and granulation at the edges on both parts of the clasp.
Inv. no. 829/II 'The bracelet is fashioned of thick, twisted silver wires into the grooves of which is soldered a thinner silver thread, and there is a clasp device at its ends. Both ends of thick twisted wire are inserted in sheet silver tubuli, decorated with filigree and granulation. The ornaments on both tubuli consist of meanders between wreaths. One tubulus ends in a hook, and the other is a button-like part, which on its lower side has a circular depression into which the hook is inserted. The upper side of the button-like part is convex and decorated with a stylised floral ornament, in filigree and granulation.
Inv. no. 828/II 'The bracelet is fashioned of thick, twisted gold wire into the grooves of which a thinner wire is soldered, with a slaps device at its ends. Both ends of the thick twisted wire are inserted in a sheet gold tubular element, decorated with meanders and wreaths, done in filigree and granulation techniques. One tubulus ends in a thick hook which served as a clasp. The end of the other tubulus is missing.
Gold, amethyst 'The ring is shaped like a band that gradually widens from the base to form a flat surface on which an amethyst gem is set. The setting of the ring has rounded protrusions on either side. On the gem is the en face engraving of a bearded Silenus.'
Gazdac dataset (2015); uploaded by Jerome Mairat (Nov. 2015); updated by C. Gazdac (Nov. 2016). Coin info added by Ž. Zupan (November 2019).