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An indented beaker 6¼ in. high, in thin gritty grey clay, with darker blue-grey core in the thicker portion near the base. The clay is well levigated and baked to an almost metallic hardness. The exterior of the pot has been covered with a dirty drab slip, now almost worn off. There are five indentations, about 2½ in. long, made with a sharp instrument that has left a scored vertical line in the bottom of each. A sixth indentation was begun in the same manner, but abandoned for lack of room, leaving only a large dimple in the side of the vessel. The rim is everted and flattened internally, and there is a groove round the shoulder
Roberston dataset, imported by J. Mairat. IARCH dataset, AHRC funded University of Leicester and British Museum project. Imported and edited by M. Spoerri (June 2019 / Nov. 2024). Coin level data: W.E. Metcalf dataset, K. Huber for data up to and including Nero. Brought up to coin level by R. Bennett (August 2022). Updated by C. Gazdac (July 2024).