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The vessel in which the deposition occurred was crafted on a wheel using a semi-fine greyish paste. It takes the form of a pot with a short, flared rim, a prominently rounded upper body, well-defined shoulders, and a flat bottom. It has a height of approximately 25.7 cm, with a mouth diameter of 23.7 cm and a bottom diameter of 14 cm. The pot closely resembles certain examples associated with Popilian types 2 and 3, representing a prevalent form during the 2nd–3rd centuries AD.
Seven clay lamps. All the lamps are small, with a single burner (monolychnis), made of yellowish-brick-coloured paste. Without exception, they display signs of burning on the interior and around the burner area, indicating prior use before being placed in the lidded vessel. Among them, six specimens are miniature medallion lamps of Loeschcke type VIII, and one is a firmalampen Loeschke X.
Uploaded by C. gazdac (Aug. 2024).