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Complete wire brooch with angular bow variant A1. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is relatively low and has a more or less angular bent; the foot is bent back (slight S-profile); this brooch is undecorated.
Complete high-arched wire brooch variant A. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is high-arched and evolves smoothly into the foot; the bow has a hexagonal cross-section in most cases.
Large fragment of a wire brooch with angular bow variant A1. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is relatively low and has a more or less angular bend; the foot is bent back (slight S-profile); this brooch is undecorated.
Large fragment of a high-arched wire brooch variant C. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is smoothly bent and of hexagonal cross-section; the bow has a groove close to the foot.
Scabbard (Roman sword). This type of decoration is found on scabbards for swords of both the Mainz and the Pompeii type
Complete wire brooch with angular bow variant A1. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is relatively low and has a more or less angular bend; the foot is bent back (slight S-profile); this brooch is undecorated.
Complete high-arched wire brooch variant A. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is high-arched and evolves smoothly into the foot; the bow has an hexagonal cross-section in most cases.
Fragment of a Roman (?) bracelet.
Complete wire brooch with stretched semi-circular bow. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the round bow has an evenly stretched round arch and a rhomboid or triangular cross-section; the foot is placed at an angle to the bow.
Fragment of a high-arched wire brooch variant A. Brooch with spring of four coils and internal chord; the bow is high-arched and evolves smoothly into the foot; the bow has an hexagonal cross-section in most cases.
Z. Jennings, I. Roelofse, I. Verbiesen (December 2020). Edited by L. Van Loon and J. Van Dam (December 2020). Updated by C. Gazdac (Jan. 2021).