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The pottery bowl (rim diameter 15.8 cm) is burnished on the exterior and has a dark grey to black surface. The upper part of the body is decorated by double lines in zig-zag pattern, enclosing in each triangle three impressed roundels. The style has been called 'Romano-Saxon'. The 'Castor Box' lid (diameter 21.7 cm) is a typical Nene Valley product.
The bronze bowl (diameter 13.5 cm, height 9 cm) is of thin sheet bronze and consists of an upper band riveted to a lower part, formed from one piece of metal. Two handles were found inside it, loose, but their original points of attachment are marked by patches of solder
The linen purse lining is in plain weave.
Folded silver plate. The two pieces of folded silver plate weigh respectively 642 gm and 321 gm.
Roberston dataset, imported by J. Mairat. IARCH dataset, AHRC funded University of Leicester and British Museum project. Imported and edited by M. Spoerri (June 2019 / Nov. 2024). Updated by C. Gazdac (Jan. 2025).