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Reddish paste with three short handles, one missing, with a double line as decoration. Height 40-42 cm; Body diameter: 90 cm; Bottom diameter: 27 cm; Rim diameter: 11-12 cm. It contained 10,000 coins Drost 2007, 172
Reddish paste with some quartz crystals. Two massive handels. No decoration. Height 48 cm; Body diameter: 92.5 cm; Bottom diameter: 9 cm; Rim diameter: 5.5 cm. It contained 6,000 coins Drost 2007, 172
The open bracelet consists of an irregular diameter of ring, thicker in the middle and gradually thinning; the ends are curved so as to form a ring and hook fastening.
The open bracelet consists of an irregular diameter of ring, thicker in the middle and gradually thinning; each of the ends is equipped with parallel grooves
Open monometallic bracelet consisting of a twisted ring; the ends are endowed with a ring and probably a hook, now, missing.
Ring with inlay. Ring section square (inside) and convex (outside), widening towards the shoulders; outer line forming a sharp acute angle; triangular shoulders decorated with an acanthus leaf (?); part under the decorated finger on the outside of two sets of two small incisions bordering the ring; circular kitten adorned with an denarius of Antoninus Pius, the reverse facing outside (Obverse: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III; head laureate of Antoninus Pius, right. Reverse: AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS; head bare of Marcus Aurelius, right. RICIII 417 a. 140). Type Guiraud 3f
Ring section square (inside) and slightly triangular (outside), widening slightly to the shoulders; outer line forming an acute angle; triangular shoulders decorated with a lotus flower (?); part under the decorated finger on the outside of diamond-shaped incisions in the middle and chevrons at the edge of the shoulders; oval kitten, placed above the line of the ring, adorned with a glass paste intaglio imitating the niccolo depicting a naked figure, standing to the left, spreading his arms and holding an indeterminate attribute of each hand. Type Guinaud 3f.
Ring section square (inside) and convex (outside), widening slightly towards the shoulders; outside line forming a bit marked acute angle; triangular shoulders decorated with a lotus flower (?); circular kitten, place above the ring, decorated with an oval intact glass paste imitating the niccolo Orpheus, sitting right in front of a tree, charming animals. Type Guinaud 3f.
Ring section square (inside) and convex (outside), widening slightly towards the shoulders; decoration with vegetal motif; ends with two volutes; part under the finger on the outside decorated with two sets of small incisions bordering the ring and located on both sides of a groove; oval kitten, placed above the line of the ring, decorated with an intaglio in glass paste imitating the niccolo depicting a bust to left. Type Guinaud 3f.
Ring of rectangular section, widening slightly towards the shoulders; outer line forming an acute angle; triangular shoulders decorated with five grooves reducing to three in the part under the finger; oval kitten, placed above the line of the ring, adorned with an intaglio in glass paste imitating the niccolo appearing a naked person (Sol), standing to right, holding a whip (?) in right hand and raising his left hand. Type Guinaud 3g
Ring of rectangular section, widening slightly towards the shoulders; outer line forming an acute angle; triangular shoulders bordered by two grooves; undecorated oval kitten, placed above the ring line on a diamond-shaped base. Type Guinaud 3e
Ring of flat section (inside) and convex (outside), widening slightly towards the shoulders; outer line forming an acute angle; flared triangular shoulders decorated with two series of two parallel incisions; kitten forming a whole with the ring, decorated with graffiti IID. Type Guinaud 2h
Ring of flat section (inside) and convex (outside), widening towards the shoulders; outer line forming an acute angle; triangular shoulders decorated with two V-grooves and lined with two sets of two small incisions; oval kitten, slightly elevated compared to the ring, decorated with retrograde graffiti IVLLI underlined. Type Guinaud 2g
Ring, open under the finger, of flat section (inside) and slightly convex (outside), widening towards the shoulders; outer line forming an acute angle; shoulder triangular lined with two grooves and decorated of another groove in the middle; oval kitten, slightly raised above the ring, decorated with graffiti AM. Type Guinaud 2g
Ring, probably of the same type as the two previous ones; oval kitten decorated with retrograde graffiti MEI underlined. Type Guinaud 2g
Ring of rectangular section; outer surface decorated with a zigzag theme. Type Guinaud 8.
Ring of flat section (inside) and convex (outside); outer surface decorated with oblique striations at irregular intervals. Type Guinaud 8
Stone black, green veined, round, concave on one side and flat on the other. Destined to serve as the bezel of a ring.
Cochlearium (spoon). Pear-shaped spoon directly connected to a round section handle with a tapered end.
Cochlearium (spoon). Pear-shaped spoon directly connected to a round section handle with a tapered end; inner side of the spoon decorated with streaks that could be likened to graffiti [...]VIA [...].
Lingula (spoon). Pear-shaped spoon; round section handleneck, decorated on two-thirds of a torus and ending with a slight bulge ending in a very elongated button; spoon axis lowers from the handle, a heel marking the connection between the two parts.
Cochlearium (spoon). Purse-shaped spoon; handle mixing; spoon axis lowered towards the handle side, a heel marking the connection between the two parts.
Uploaded by C. Gazdac (September 2018).