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The coins were found in a ceremic beaker that had one half of an orange yar upturned on top of it sealing it off as a lid.
Inside the ceramic beaker two identical wooden beakers made from (apple?)wood where found. These may have been pyxides as they seem to have once had lids. They measure 6 cm in height and 5 cm in diameter in their conserved state. Their sides are +/- 1-2 mm thick, except for the base with is approximatly 1 cm thick.
Inside the wooden beakers linnen bags tied with string were found each containing a different number of coins ranging from 2 to 22 in number.
+/-70 peppercorns (black pepper) with an approximate weight of 25 gramms. Found in a linnen bag in one of the wooden beakers, inside the ceramic beaker.
A silver Lunula pendant found in the clay pot along with the coins.
Fragments of a lifesize bronze statue were found nearby to there the ceramic pot were found.
I.A. van Nederpelt and S. Jesse (Leiden seminar, spring 2018); M. Spoerri (general editing and import of coins); coin identifications given by L. Claes (June 2018). Updated by C. Gazdac (Jan. 2021).