It is a circular, concave bowl with a short foot and a thickened lip. The foot and the actual cut were executed separately and then welded. A little taller than the previous ones (41 mm), this cup weighs 181 grams.
The annular foot has a flat base; in the middle of it is a discoid protuberance with a small metallic grain at its center, probably a remnant from the casting. The discoid protuberance is surrounded by a groove, a low-relief circular line, and an incised line.
The cup has a straight lip thickened on the outside; inside the vase, a circular line is incised under the lip. On the outside, the vase features a geometric design. About 1 mm below the lip, a circular incision delineated the upper part of a narrow and rounded band, slightly convex; another incision delineated its lower part. Follows a wide groove, also delimited at its lower part. Finally, after a narrow line in very low relief, the actual scenery unfolds. This consists of small vertical grooves on the body of the vase, which fan out from an area marked by two circular incisions, near the foot. Narrow at their lower part, these flutes widen as they approach the mouth of the vase. Executed by repoussage, through hammering, the 140 flutes exhibit small differences in dimensions among themselves. The decorative effect is skilfully calculated, considering the alternation of the reliefs first horizontally (relief band - flutes), then vertically.
181 g
4.1 cm
Start Year
End Year