Ceramic vessel
Though over 30 fragments of the vessel are present, many are extremely small, and there are few joins. It is therefore not possible to reconstruct the form of the pot with any degree of certainty. Most of the foot ring is present; it is rounded in section, and has a diameter of about 6 cm. The wall of the vessel rises at a fairly steep angle to a surviving height of c. 8 cm. The point of greatest diameter would have been above this. The most likely form would have been a simple cooking-pot shape.
The fabric is light pink, with sparse but quite large brick-red and cream inclusions. Traces remain of the slip, which is thin, matt, and a bright orange in colour. Over it is a layer of dark discoloration, which could be due to burning.
The vessel is presumably a local fourth-century type; it does not have distinctive features which would assign it to any well-known group with a wide distribution.
This container doesn't have any objects associated to it
This container doesn't have any coins associated to it